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Trading Time for Space: Decoding PRAMY’s Road to Beauty Expertise詳情
A series of creative videos featuring impressive selling points such as “3% Ectoin” and “2-in-1 Makeup Setting and Repair” in large fonts were seen all over major business districts on the walls of office buildings in the past few days. They were produced by PRAMY, a professional makeup brand which, for many years, has kept a low profile in communication despite constantly dominating lists of top makeup setting products. By releasing this set of videos, the brand is officially making its voice heard for the first time.
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出道即顛峰!雅特力發佈超高性能AT32F435/437系列Cortex® -M4 MCU詳情
12月1日,雅特力科技正式推出兩款主頻高達288MHz的AT32F435與AT32F437超高性能微控制器新品,在已有主流型和超值型產品線的基礎上,拓展了高性能產品線,進一步豐富了AT32 MCU產品佈局。
The Mahasayama Sutta Chanting Course Completion Ceremony speech by Venerable Chao Khun Laow The Abbott of Wat Mahathat Kings Bromley United Kingdom詳情
(WAki International Media Center 14th December) The Speech of Venerable Chao Khun Laow, The Abbott of Wat Mahathat, England in Mahasayama Sutta Chanting Course Completion Ceremony.
Mahasayama Sutta Chanting Course Completion Ceremony詳情
(WAki International Media Center 15th December) Mahasayama Sutta Online Course Completion Ceremony was held on 26th November 2021 through Zoom, we were honoured to have Sangha members from 7 countries, namely, Germany, Norway, Sweden, England, Singapore, USA and Netherlands to witness and give blessing to the participants who had completed the course successfully.
Speech of Venerable Chao Khun Laow Chairman of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organization in Mahasayama Sutta Chanting Course Completion Ceremony詳情
(WAki International Media Center 14th December) The Speech of Venerable Chao Khun Laow, Chairman of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organization in Mahasayama Sutta Chanting Course Completion Ceremony
Speech of Mr. Teo Choo Guan , President of Waki Relic Musuem on Mahasayama Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony詳情
(WAki International Media Center 14th December) The Speech of Mr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Musuem on Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony on 26th November 2021.
第十三屆海峽論壇在廈門開幕 兩岸交流合作大勢不可擋詳情