管線漏水!屏東明停水「最長23小時」 逾4萬戶受影響詳情
台水公司屏東區管理處搶修縣道199線37K處、車城國中前900mm SP管線漏水工程,部分區域將於週四(13日)上午10時起至週五(14日)上午9時停水或降壓。
Mr. Lee, a famous master of Chinese traditional culture from SEER ONNET PTE.LTD, was invited to attend the “Lecture on Chinese Traditional Culture and I Ching” Held by Jinan Ping An Life Insurance.詳情
Mr. Lee, a famous master of Chinese traditional culture from SEER ONNET PTE.LTD, was invited to attend the “Lecture on Chinese Traditional Culture and I Ching” Held by Jinan Ping An Life Insurance.
SEER ONNET PTE.LTD’s famous Chinese national learning teacher Yiyang Fengsui’s trip to Yantai lit up the spark of wisdom in the 2024 Ping An Life Chinese national learning Lecture詳情
SEER ONNET PTE.LTD’s famous Chinese national learning teacher Yiyang Fengsui’s trip to Yantai lit up the spark of wisdom in the 2024 Ping An Life Chinese national learning Lecture
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地牛翻身!1:39 嘉義發生規模4.4地震詳情
【地震快訊】 發震時間: 114年2月10日1時39分6秒 中央氣象署發布顯著有感地震最新消息,今(10)日1時39分,發生芮氏規模4.4有感地震,震央位置在嘉